
Youth Wasted on the Young - No More

In the past 9 days, I doubt I went to bed any earlier than 1:30-2am. Many times, especially the weekends, I found myself hitting the hay closer to 3am. I can say that a combination of house sitting and hanging out with the new lady had a big role in that.

Am I complaining? Not in the slightest. In fact, I'm embracing it. No one should embrace a lack of sleep, you say.

But it doesn't affect my work, doesn't affect my relationships with others and I usually end up making up the sleep on the weekends. Today (well, Sunday) is the perfect example of that - I was in bed until 12:30pm, which I haven't done in years. I was surprised my dad/mom let me sleep that late. Maybe they figured I could use the beauty sleep.

(I know others - and rightly so - would say that you can't really make up sleep that you've lost. But I've always been one who functions well on about 6 hours of sleep).

If staying awake being entertained by friends and enjoying the company of others is a crime, I'm guilty as charged.

This past month, I have found myself hanging out with people several years younger than me. It reminds me of the energy I used to have and the energy I can still have. Granted, this will require me to get into better shape to feed off of this fountain of youth.

However, with the future I see ahead of me, I feel that it will be worth it. I will make sure that youth is no longer wasted on the young.

(I know I'm not old, but go with it, people!)

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