
Taking Things for Granted

How many of us truly appreciate the things around us on a daily basis? Even an activity that is something as mundane as walking, I guarantee there's a lot of things we take for granted.

Unfortunately, that's an activity that's proving itself awkward for me - even more awkward than some of the silences that have occurred after a controversial statement or two that I've made in my life. And sure enough, it's none other than the mundane task of walking.

Three weeks ago today, I threw out my back while bowling. I know, I know- you're all wondering, "How did such an athlete like Brian hurt his back in a 'sport' that allows umpire-shaped gentlemen participate and call themselves 'athletes'?" If there's any consolation, I threw a strike on that ball as it rolled down the lane at a Black Sheep-like 7 miles per hour.

Since then, I have been confined to the indoors for the most part. Last weekend, I got in the pool briefly but really couldn't swim. I tried playing bags, but my stride was stiffer than Rafael Palmeiro after popping a few....nevermind, you get it. The day before, my chiropractor said he had no idea what to do with me, since he had tried just about everything to loosen up my pelvic area on the right side. I just went to get x-rays yesterday and the lady taking my x-rays said I looked like a hot mess, and I don't think she meant it in the "I plan on getting sued for harrassment" sort of way.

So with the x-ray viewing on my chiropractor's part pending, I just hope that my back/leg will eventually heal itself. It's started to feel a little better since 6pm today, but who knows how it will be when I wake up tomorrow. All I know is that I miss bowling with my buddies. I need to get this back fixed so I could go back to contributing to my team's losses as opposed to just watching them.

For now, I reflect on how much I take for granted. I wouldn't say I take everything in life for granted - I am very conscious of the mortality of all of us and look to cherish any and all moments that I have with everyone. When I look back at the end of the day, I don't have any regrets regarding the people who I've kept in my life and the people who may have faded away for one reason or another.

I suppose the simple things in life are easy to take for granted, especially things you unconsciously and consciously do on a daily basis- like walking, brushing your truth (hopefully you're all doing that), and so forth. I just got back from a friend's house and watched a movie based on the true story of the world-class surfing teenager Bethany Hamilton, who had her left arm ripped from her body in a shark attack. Seeing how she was able to recover mentally over time and get used to the fact that she no longer had a left arm to become a world class surfer again, it's nothing short of a miracle.

There's no way you can anticipate some major life changes like that, and thus, easy to take certain things (like having a left arm) for granted. Whether it be something that can't be repaired like an arm or hopefully can be repaired like my back, all you can really do is make the best of these situations - regardless of whether you took these things for granted or not.