
Ain't She Grand (The Bolek Matriarch)

Virginia Nielsen Bolek was a mother of five and a wonderful wife.
A grandma and great-grandma to many a life.
We can't judge her worth simply on her years on Earth,
But also the memories we will carry as we have since birth,

Of a wonderful woman who carried the name Bolek into what it is today.
A proud family with rich traditions that will stay
Around for milleniums to come
A family that is immense but will always be a unit of One.

While only some of us can claim her as a Grandma, great-grandma or Mom,
She was a mom who was great and grand to us all.
She will remain with us forever and ever.
She will be there with us when we rise and fall.

And rise and fall again, from beginning to end.
An angel over our shoulder when we need a friend.
She is what every family would want with its matriarch.
She led a life that left an indelible mark.

She will always be here, to make sure we are ok.
Day and night, night and day.
Let us not mourn her loss today, but rather celebrate her life.
By being the best children, fathers and mothers, husbands and wives

That we can be. Let's live out her memory.
It's the way she would want it to be.
Today, let's celebrate Virginia Bolek for what she was and what she will be-
A beacon of a Bolek & Nielsen - from now until eternity.

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